2024 Melee Class Schedule
Schedule is subject to change without notice.
For up to date Schedule and Room Assignments, click here.
Session 1
Tonya Lynn
Contact Improv – Unarmed | Open
A process for building repeatable choreography that still has an organic, improvised look. Be prepared to work in close contact with other class participants!
Tonya Lynn
Tom Ringberg
Stop Being Nice: Film Fighting – Knife | Open
What's the difference between a "nice" partner vs a "GOOD" Partner? Have you ever gotten the note "It looks too nice, I don't believe you're trying to kill each other!" In the film world the camera captures EVERYTHING!!! As well as showing when you are being a NICE partner. So how do we tell the story of violence and make it believable that our characters want to kill each other in the film world. So let's get after it and STOP BEING NICE and start telling some GOOD stories of Violence!
Tom Ringberg
J. Tyler Jones
Broadsword Foundations – Two Hand Sword | Beginner
This class is an introduction to the amalgam of weapons commonly known as broadsword. We focus on maintaining a strong stance and driving movement from the lower body, building habits that will serve you well across a variety of weapons
J. Tyler Jones
Casey Kaleba
Serpentinata – R&D | Intermediate
This class looks at the coiled body as a foundation to biomechanical and artistic possibility in blade work. We'll look at efficient movement and building chains of movement rather than isolated actions. This will be a workout for both brain and body, so be ready to leave some cherished assumptions by the wayside as we build fights worth the ticket price.
Casey Kaleba
Session 2
11:30am - 1:00pm
Jess Bennett
Fighting For Camera – Unarmed | Open
Learn on camera basics & get ready to play.
Jess Bennett
David Reed
Real World Smallsword – Intermediate
The true story of one weapon, picked to be very lethal. We’ll work together to find out what happens when people stop fighting polite... and start getting real.
David Reed
Jillian Riti
Forget the Footwork – Single Sword | Open
We will look critically at fight distance, the importance (or unimportance) of footwork, and taking/giving ground. Take the lessons from this class into any stage combat discipline.
Jillian Riti
Craig Lawrence
Psychic Fighter – Two Hand Sword | Open
How *not* to play a psychic fighter. Close up on the challenges and skills of presenting real time fighting as an actor.
Craig Lawrence
Session 3
2:30pm - 4:00pm
Tonya Lynn
Happy Slapsgiving – Unarmed | Beginner
Let’s dig into the theory of unarmed strikes by looking at a variety of techniques for non-contact slaps and their geometry; and then use that knowledge to experiment with these techniques for different stage configurations.
Tonya Lynn
Tom Ringberg
This is Mine – Single Sword | Open
How does one disarm their opponent without having to ask nicely for it? This class will explore multple ways of taking your opponent's sword
Tom Ringberg
Jess Bennett
Chokeslam – Unarmed | Open
Some simulated choking. Some slamming. Good times.
Jess Bennett
Robb Hunter
Spear and Shield – Int./Adv.
Taking the basics of the SAFD discipline of sword and shield we will explore attacks and defenses with a purely thrusting weapon; a short Viking style javelin. We will borrow ideas from several different styles (and maybe a film...or two) and will build these into a short fight by the end of class.
Robb Hunter
Session 4
Tom Ringberg
Knife Jitsu – Knife | Open
LET'S ROLL... WITH KNIVES!!! Explore different Brazilian Jiu Jitsu techniques that could be used for the stage or screen but with a Knife!
Tom Ringberg
David Reed
Furious Farcical Fightin' & Other F Words – Unarmed | Open
Using the tenants of Commedia dell'Arte, the class borrows the SAFD's often serious techniques and turns them on their heads for the sake of Comedy.
David Reed
Jon Rubin
Calculated Can-Openers – Sword and Shield | Int./Adv.
Let’s figure out all the ways we can use this pairing together to get past and around the shield and inside our opponent’s defenses, then create some short phrases of choreography using those tactics!
Jon Rubin
Tonya Lynn & Jess Bennett
Oh Captain, My Captain – Open Lecture
Roundtable discussion about the art and responsibility of fight captains and their role in production, and leave with suggestions about how to level up your next experience working as or alongside your next production's fight captain. Bring your questions!
Tonya Lynn & Jess Bennett
Session 1
Jess Bennett
Kiss or Bite – Intimacy | Int./Adv.
Often in violence we play it safe with our distances. In this class we will explore breaking the personal bubble space & playing with choices that we may not normally make. (*no actual kissing will be performed. Hygeine will be monitored but we will be playing with close proximity*)
Jess Bennett
Will Snyder
So You Wanna Be a Rassler? – Unarmed / Open
Combining the methodology of chain wrestling, good partnering, and character work, this class will explore what makes pro wrestling not only exciting to watch but hopefully will inform your work as a stage combatant.
Will Snyder
Casey Kaleba
Zero Budget Blood Effects – Open Lecture
Blood effects have been a staple of theatre since Oedipus - they can be entertaining, powerful, ridiculous and memorable. They can also be messy, expensive, unnecessary, and permanent. This class will provide you with a design process for blood effects, as well as practical and updated solutions for the most common (and unusual) effects out there. The class will be a mix of presentation and experimentation, so be ready to be icky.
Casey Kaleba
Michael Saubert
Kung Fu Spear – Open
Explore the ancient way of the qiang (spear) where you will learn flow drills, forms, and the basic attacks and defenses unique to a pointy stick! Class will culminate with a piece of brief choreography.
Michael Saubert
Session 2
11:30am - 1:00pm
Bess Kaye
One Move at a Time – Knife | Beginner
Intense and visceral knife fights take commitment to each move. This class will build a fierce knife fight one move at a time.
Bess Kaye
Jillian Riti
Site Specific Choreography – Two Hand Sword | Intermediate
Oh no! There’s a giant support pole right in the middle of our stage! Flex your creative muscles as a choreographer and explore working with obstacles, rather than around them, to create more interesting fights.
Jillian Riti
David Reed
Symphony of Sword and Shield – Sword&Shield | Open
It's so much more than Boom and Clank! Sword and Shield provides a veritable orchestra of soundscapes just waiting for a composer/choreographer to discover. Grab some instruments and let's jam.
David Reed
Jess Bennett
The Art of Consent and Non-Consent – Theatrical Intimacy | Open
In this class we dive into consent & how to build non-consensual action. This class explores what could be seen as non-consensual actions and how to build a system of trust between choreographers & actors.
Jess Bennett
Jon Rubin
Negotiation Time – Open Lecture
A lecture and Q&A on contracts and negotiation, from the perspective of someone who has been on both sides of the Fight/Intimacy Director and Producer table
Jon Rubin
Session 3
2:30pm - 4:00pm
J. Tyler Jones
Naps: The Art of the Short Rest – Open
Recognizing that rest is an essential, but often neglected, part of an actor's routine, this class provides students with techniques and strategies to maximize rest and recovery in a small amount of time. Yes, you will take a nap during this class.
J. Tyler Jones
Craig Lawrence
Alternative Single Sword – Sabre | Intermediate
Playing with style, not props! A look at the convention of SiS, what we do, why we do it.
Craig Lawrence
Michael Saubert
Crash Course in Motion Capture for Video Games – Open
Want to know what it takes to perform in video games like Call of Duty or Mortal Kombat? Come learn some of the tricks of the trade from Motion Capture actor and stuntman Michael Saubert. We will cover aspects of face over capture, and AI/multiplayer performance. You will leave this class with trainable skills that will aid you in your journey to T-pose for a living!
Michael Saubert
Tom Ringberg
Sticky Muay Thai – Quarterstaff / Open
Tired of your staff fights looking like a copy and paste of old school Robin Hood fights? This class will take a look at taking Muay Thai boxing techniques but with a Stick!
Tom Ringberg
Session 4
Tonya Lynn
Found Weapons – Open
Take a look at your surroundings - what kind of weapons do you see? How can we use them? A discussion and hands-on practice for using non-traditional props for stage combat and building choreography around the tools available to the characters in the scene.
Tonya Lynn
Jess Bennett
Mock Stunt Audition – Unarmed | Intermediate
Bring your a-game. Be ready to make some mistakes. Be ready to move quickly with little to no prep.
Jess Bennett
Michael Saubert
Dost thou even Rapier and Dagger – Beginner
An intro to Rapier and Dagger that explores the unique parries and attacks of this dual fence weapon system.
Michael Saubert
Jenny Male
Mass Battles on a Revolving Stage
Sure, maybe you've done a mass battle before, but have you ever done a mass battle on a revolving stage? Come learn how to safely work on a spinning stage and then see what exciting opportunities it provides. You'll learn how to create interesting character choices that will enhance the overall story of the battle. We'll cover tips for creating patterns and working with music to help with timing. It's gonna be blast - hope to see you there!
Jenny Male